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CAD tip CAD tip # 11729:

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Select objects by annotation scale.

A - answer When working with annotation scales, you may need to select all objects in your DWG drawing, which have assigned a specific scale.

Exactly this can be done with the simple application SelByAnnoScale. Download it from Download, load it by dragging the LSP file to your AutoCAD window or with APPLOAD and type the command SelByAnnoScale.

After you specify the searched scale (e.g. "1:10"), this function selects all block references, hatches, texts, leaders, dimensions, tolerances and attribute definitions, which have your specified scale assigned. The objects remain highlighted and grip-selected, or you can use them as the selection set "P" in a subsequent AutoCAD editing command.

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See also:
Tip 13437:Zoom on predefined annotation scales.
Tip 13286:Markup assistant with intelligent character recognition.
Tip 11830:How to influence linetype scale or color for hidden edges in documentation views?
Tip 11757:How to change blocks properties ex-post: annotative, allow exploding, scale uniformly
Tip 9153:Arrowheads or other parts of dimensions are not printed.

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