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CAD tip CAD tip # 4303:

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What for is the INTELLIGENTUPDATE AutoCAD variable?

A - answer This variable can make scripts and LISP applications run faster in AutoCAD 2006 (and higher). AutoCAD screen refresh rate is set by it to a maximum of N updates per second (the default value is 20) - possible more frequent display changes (invoked by the running application) are suppressed/postponed. Repeating and/or animated screen updates are accelerated (incl. LISP Games).

This new AutoCAD behaviour can be disabled by setting INTELLIGENTUPDATE to 0.

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22.3.2005    9498×  
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See also:
Tip 7392:How to measure using paper units in paper space?
Tip 5388:I can no longer move cursor with Ctrl+arrow keys.
Tip 5101:Pressing up-arrow repeats also the entered coordinates. Why?
Tip 4905:Using multiprocessing in AutoCAD (how many cores can AutoCAD use?)
Tip 4737:How to put AutoCAD commandline from cursor back to the command window?

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