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Where to download Czech fonts for AutoCAD?

A - answer All current standard fonts in AutoCAD (internat. edition) - ie. TXT.SHX, SIMPLEX.SHX, ISOCT.SHX, ISOCP.SHX, etc. - contain all Czech accented characters. Also all Unicode TrueType fonts can be used for Czech and Slovak AutoCAD texts.

For older AutoCAD versions, you can use the ISOCPEUR TTF - for download on Download.

100% *  CAD 
24.9.2004    21167×  

See also:
Tip 10945:DWG text in dashed or dotted linetype.
Tip 9579:What is the "at" sign (@) leading some font names in AutoCAD?
Tip 8192:Missing fonts in AutoCAD 360 drawing.
Tip 7549:DEPENDS - displaying file dependencies in a DWG drawing.
Tip 7444:How to install a new font in AutoCAD?

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