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How to import Inventor parts and assemblies into 3ds max or VIZ?

A - answer See your Inventor 'BIN' folder for Inventor import plug-ins applicable in 3ds max and Autodesk VIZ.

Autodesk Inventor provides a plug-in for importing Inventor parts and assemblies into 3D Studio Max and VIZ versions 4, 5, 6 and higher. This plug-in consists of 5 files: InventorImport.dli, InventorUtility.dlu, plus InventorImportRes.dll for max 4 and 5 and InventorImport_Max6.dli, InventorUtility_Max6.dlu for 3ds max 6, 7, etc.

Install the plugin as follows:

  1. Copy the script file into the scripts startup directory of your installed Max or Viz (e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 4\scripts\startup)
  2. If your Inventor installation path is different from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 9\Bin, edit the .MS file and correct the path (mind the double-backslashes)
  3. Start Max/Viz
  4. In the Customize menu on the main menu bar, select "Configure Paths". Select the Plug-Ins tab on the dialog and add the path to the Inventor Import Plug-In.
  5. Restart Viz/Max for your changes to take effect
  6. Now you can read Autodesk Inventor Part, Assembly and Presentation files into Viz/Max - through "File > Import" or just by drag-and-drop.

Higher versionos of 3ds Max can import Inventor models directly.

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applies to: Inventor 6 · Inventor 8 · Inventor 9 · Inventor 10 · 3ds Max · VIZ ·

See also:
Tip 6048:Adding your home city to the list for geographic location settings.
Tip 5540:What file formats are supported by Autodesk VIZ 2008?
Tip 5291:How to import an IES file and attach it to a light?
Tip 4629:Arcs imported from AutoCAD/ADT are displayed too roughly in VIZ/max.
Tip 2027:What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ePlot DWF format vs. PDF?

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