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PkLength - export line lenghts to Excel.

A - answer The freeware utility PkLength for AutoCAD allows to interactively export lengths of picked lines to an Excel table.

Download PkLength from Download, load it into your AutoCAD with APPLOAD and run it by typing the command PKLENGTH.

The application will launch MS Excel or connects to an opened Excel table at the currently selected cell. Then any click (line select) adds an Excel row with measured length of the select line/curve. Line and curve lengths are dynamically displayed when you hover your cursor over a line geometry. The following entity types are supported: LINE, POLYLINE/LWPOLYLINE, SPLINE, MLINE, ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, HELIX.

The option Blank inserts a blank row, the option Undo undoes the last row. The option Addprops allows to export also other selected properties (e.g. Radius, Angle). The option Select allows to select lines - their total length is then written in the Excel cell (without properties). The cursor pick box size is controlled by the PICKBOX variable.


See also the similar utility PkArea for areas.

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