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How to remove fillet or chamfer from a 3D solid?

A - answer When you fillet or chamfer edges of a 3D solid in AutoCAD and then you decide to remove this modelling feature, the procedure will depend on whether this solid has the modelling history enabled - i.e. whether its past 3D editing was performed with the SOLIDHIST=1 value (see also the Properties palette of the solid, Ctrl+1).

If you have both the modelling history and its displaying (SHOWHIST) enabled, you can switch to the select history mode (Shift+F5, resp. SUBOBJSELECTIONMODE=4) and you will see also the original shape (without the fillet) when you select the object.

By selecting with the Ctrl key pressed you can now hit and select just the fillet subobject and then erase it simply by pressing the Delete key. So you will return to the original unfilletted solid.

A different situation appears when the modelling history is not enabled (not stored). Then you can remove the fillets using the command SOLIDEDIT. Use its options Face and Delete and select the edge fillets.

It is important to select all adjacent fillets in one go, otherwise a modelling operation error will be displayed - e.g. error 93013.

100% *  CAD 
26.5.2019    37509×  

See also:
Tip 12717:How to hollow out a 3D solid body in AutoCAD?
Tip 12013:How to trim 3D solids with other 3D solid (3D trim).
Tip 11252:Applying STRETCH to 3D objects in AutoCAD.
Tip 8484:How to apply material to a single face only?
Tip 6907:The Separate option does not work on my combined 3D solids.

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