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How to convert RGB color to Pantone, RAL, AutoCAD ACI, CMYK or vice versa?

A - answer Using the online Color Converter (see the Converters section on the left), you can easily convert color hues between different color models or palettes - specifically between RGB, CMYK, HSB, RAL, AutoCAD ACI and Pantone.

Select the desired color by dragging the mouse in the palette swatch or enter it numerically, e.g. using RGB values (0-255), hexadecimal color code (e.g. from the web) or select the desired hue in the RAL or AutoCAD ACI color index select-box. You can also use the alpha channel, transparency (Alfa).

After selecting a color, the values of its color components in other color models (e.g. C-M-Y-K) are displayed. The so-called "long" RGB value used internally in Office applications, in Navisworks, in VBA, or e.g. in the UI color settings in AutoCAD is also displayed (in italics) - see Tip 3088.

In addition, similar colors from the Pantone palette are listed - within the range of the so-called color distance (tolerance).

Note that not all color hues have a direct equivalent in another color model. Colors in the Pantone and RAL palettes are certified on the official swatches - the displayed hues and RGB values are just their approximations.

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applies to: AutoCAD · Navisworks · Inventor · Fusion 360 360 · Revit ·

See also:
Tip 13900:How to convert truecolor color hue to the nearest AutoCAD ACI color?
Tip 11714:How to assign a RAL color to a DWG object and get its ACI equivalent?
Tip 10071:How to recolor layers from ACI to truecolor?
Tip 8649:How to create a custom color book (ACB palette) in AutoCAD?
Tip 6361:Direct entry of a Pantone color hue for AutoCAD entities.

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