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Can Autodesk Fusion 360 make use of multicore CPUs?

A - answer The CAD/CAM software Autodesk Fusion 360 supports multi-threading, i.e. multiprocessor workstations (e.g. dual-CPU) and multi-core processors, in many computing-intensive CAD operations, like opening large assemblies, meshing 3D solids, for some graphical operations, for local toolpath processing, some local simulations, or for local raytrace rendering. But most geometric modeling kernel (ASM) operations is inherently single-threaded - like in other CAD software. So, paradoxically, in some cases, disabling the hyperthreading (BIOS) features can help to speed up the application, as the processor will use a higher clock frequency.

But other computing-heavy operations (e.g. conversion of CAD formats, full rendering, generating CAM toolpaths, simulations) are performed in the cloud - either always or optionally.

So, in summary - what features of Fusion 360 can work with multiple CPU cores?
  • opening large assemblies
  • meshing 3D solids
  • some kernel modeling operations (booleans, shells, thickening, mass properties calculation, hidden edge removal, interference detection, facetting, surface healing)
  • local calculation of toolpaths in the CAM module
  • local raytrace rendering (all cores)
  • some local simulations (see the option in Preferences)
  • nesting
  • some graphic operations

If you are having trouble using multiple CPU cores, check your power/performance settings in Windows and see if any CPU cores are not "parked".

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See also:
Tip 14110:Comparison of speed and CPU core usage in CAM operations of commercial and non-commercial versions of Autodesk Fusion.
Tip 12127:AutoCAD slower after obeying the recommendation from DELL Precision Optimizer.
Tip 8529:How to use CUDA GPU to accelerate rendering in 3ds Max?
Tip 8367:Green corners around drawing views in Inventor.
Tip 6314:Set your Vista 64 to a faster boot.

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